Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Hidden Blessing

I sat down to play some hymns before our Bible study tonight. As I was flipping through the pages, this title jumped out at me. 'The Hidden Blessing.'

Hadn't ever played that one before. I started to sight read through it, and it wasn't long before I was in tears, unable to play. What a beautiful message there is about the hidden blessing.

"When deep distress and sorrow weigh upon me,
My Savior gives me courage for to see;
In every thorn that's scattered o'er my pathway,
Some hidden blessing for eternity.

And when I wait upon the God of Heaven,
On eagle's wings I rise above it all;
Then I shall run and not be weak or weary,
I'll walk His way and neither faint nor fall.


The hour of pain and suffering oft produces,
What we would miss if all were calm and fair;
As spices left unbroken have no savour,
But crushed and bruised, their fragrance fills the air.

And in the mountain where the tempest rages,
Roots of the oak strike deeper to endure;
So shall the storms that beat across life's pathway,
Just help to set my purpose more secure.


Oh, Master, give me grace to bear the burden,
And not to shrink from suffering meant for me;
But grant the faith and patience for accepting,
Whate're it takes to bring me nearer Thee.

Could I but see that in the darkest hour,
There is a precious opportunity;
For that's the hour by graciously enduring,
My spirit can bring glory unto Thee."


Jennifer said...

Thanks for sharing that, Mariah. I can't imagine the grieving process you and your family are having to go through- my heart aches for all of you. Pete and I just recently lost another pregnancy, and it's been a hard loss for me to get through lately, so I really appreciate you posting this. Lots of love, Jenni

Lauren Gary said...

I too am so thankful you shared I'm the one needing a box of kleenex :)

I love the 3rd verse, it reminded me of a thought someone shared with me recently....just going to quote it since it's not my own - from Song of Solomon 4 "where the Bridegroom spoke of the north and south winds blowing upon his garden that the spices may flow out. The adverse and favorable winds of life work to produce a wonderful fragrance in our life and spirit that means so much to our Beloved."

love & care.....Lauren Gary

Elissa & Logan said...

Thankful too for this reminder Mariah. We seem to just pity ourselves sometimes, but need (reminding myself here) to see the sweet comfort that comes with our pain, the healing that comes in our sickness of heart, and glory to our God that comes in us rejoicing in his comfort and healing.

I think of you often, and wish I could hug to you show my love and care for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Those are truly beautiful words and so true. Yes we need to be squeezed and bruised to show our faith to the unbeliever. Thank you. Makes me think of "He raised me up" Yes to wl on stormy seas you have to be in a stormy sea. To walk on the highest mountain you need to have climed it to get there. Such is our lives to show the miracles of Gods Love and mercy and help in our lives, otherwise, what do we have to report and testify about our Almighty Heavenly Father.
Be blessed all who read this

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