Monday, October 1, 2012


Okay, the denial has to stop. Autumn is here. It is October. The leaves are pretty. I have started wearing socks around the house. Sigh.

Us three (yes, the dog) have a photo session coming up shortly, which I am super nervous for. Getting in front of the camera? Much scarier than behind. Trust me. Outfits, hair-do's, shoes, getting the dog ready... I've almost cancelled several times! How do you all handle the stress I put you through with these photo sessions?! ;)

One random for today, as I am struggling to get back into the mode of working from this wonderful convention haze I have been in for the last two weeks...

Not only have I started enjoying squash, but... *drumroll* ... so has Joel!

Granted, it was convention squash, with plenty of butter (yum) and probably even more brown sugar (not so lovely). I think I need to make some squash. Any recommendations to varieties? Have any directions for me? I'm open to using tons of butter, but would like it as sugar-free as possible.

Convention has also got me back into the mode of a little more coffee in the afternoons... Eeep. I'm heating water for a second cup now.

I have had some fun workouts lately... being gone from home and working out/running outside before breakfast (yes, in the freezing cold), has lead me to body weight exercises in high volume. Lots of burpees, situps, air squats, etc. The other morning I did 5 rounds of 20 hand-release pushups, 20 situps, 20 burpees, and 20 air squats. It took me a little while. Nothing like 100 burpees to start your morning off right!

Yesterday morning, I warmed up with an 800m run, then did 400m of walking lunges, and finished with a 400m run wobbly-legged-jog. I wasn't trying for any speed records, but the whole mile took me about 19 minutes. That was lovely. Until this morning. Ow.

Anyway, I'm back to my normal schedule now with life, work, working out, etc. I am feeling so thankful for my privileges the last two weeks, very grounded, quite refreshed, and a little more ready to tackle some of the things I need to work on... mentally and spiritually as well as my work. I am looking forward to photographing my last wedding of the season this coming weekend. :)

Enjoy your Monday!
Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician, I do not have any type of medical training, and my workouts and training are only intended for my personal recollection and your curiosity. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience. All images are subject to a personal copyright unless otherwise noted and cannot be used without permission. If you read to the end of this, congratulations.