Us three (yes, the dog) have a photo session coming up shortly, which I am super nervous for. Getting in front of the camera? Much scarier than behind. Trust me. Outfits, hair-do's, shoes, getting the dog ready... I've almost cancelled several times! How do you all handle the stress I put you through with these photo sessions?! ;)
One random for today, as I am struggling to get back into the mode of working from this wonderful convention haze I have been in for the last two weeks...
Not only have I started enjoying squash, but... *drumroll* ... so has Joel!
Granted, it was convention squash, with plenty of butter (yum) and probably even more brown sugar (not so lovely). I think I need to make some squash. Any recommendations to varieties? Have any directions for me? I'm open to using tons of butter, but would like it as sugar-free as possible.
Convention has also got me back into the mode of a little more coffee in the afternoons... Eeep. I'm heating water for a second cup now.
I have had some fun workouts lately... being gone from home and working out/running outside before breakfast (yes, in the freezing cold), has lead me to body weight exercises in high volume. Lots of burpees, situps, air squats, etc. The other morning I did 5 rounds of 20 hand-release pushups, 20 situps, 20 burpees, and 20 air squats. It took me a little while. Nothing like 100 burpees to start your morning off right!
Yesterday morning, I warmed up with an 800m run, then did 400m of walking lunges, and finished with a 400m
Anyway, I'm back to my normal schedule now with life, work, working out, etc. I am feeling so thankful for my privileges the last two weeks, very grounded, quite refreshed, and a little more ready to tackle some of the things I need to work on... mentally and spiritually as well as my work. I am looking forward to photographing my last wedding of the season this coming weekend. :)
Enjoy your Monday!