Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Lovely day outside... as I've been out once to get the mail and that's it.

And it's spring break, so I'm supposed to be working on my wedding album, photos for assignments, cleaning the apartment, etc. or at least doing something.

But no, I'm listening to techno music and vegging online hoping my sick-induced brain fog will magically disappear and this bowling ball I've got for a head will lift.. or at least fall off.

But this has helped me amazingly... If not for this, I'd still have a sore throat and have a 14-pounder on my head, not just the little 10-pounder one (yeah, the one I'm forced to use whenever I go bowling because my arm is too weak).

If your local health food store doesn't carry this, tell them to. :) You can take 2 pills as often as every 20 minutes. When I was sick for like a week, Joel got over it in a day with this stuff.

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Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician, I do not have any type of medical training, and my workouts and training are only intended for my personal recollection and your curiosity. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience. All images are subject to a personal copyright unless otherwise noted and cannot be used without permission. If you read to the end of this, congratulations.