Monday, November 30, 2009

Some new looks!

I guess this is what you could call my complete overhaul.. on my photo blog. :)

I added a weddings section and just more information generally, while updating the header and colors.

Tell me what you think!

Oh and I'm leaning towards the flash, still possibly the battery pack, and maybe just a really good diffuser instead of bracket? I haven't quite decided yet.

Meanwhile, I'm dreaming of beautiful 24" monitors. Someday.


Snigglefrits said...

I think you do beautiful work, far superior to the work I just paid good money to have done.

I also think you should have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! because you're a wonderful lady!

Mariah said...

Aw, Snigs. You make me feel like a celebrity. :)

Snigglefrits said...

Just giving you the facts, ma'am. Just the facts. ;)

Maybe you can shed some light on the pics I bought from this woman. The proofs looked great, but when I received the hard copies, they don't look right. Unless you're looking straight at the pic at eye level, they look like the old tin-type photos- black/shiny. Does this make any sense??

Mariah said...

Heh. Well, she probably ordered you "metallic" prints. It's a different kind of photographic paper. I would say it's your decision which finish you would like.. If you're unhappy, you definitely should talk to the photographer about it. They should replace them for free since a)you're unhappy and b)even if you chose that finish, you didn't know what you'd be getting.

Let me know how it turns out!

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician, I do not have any type of medical training, and my workouts and training are only intended for my personal recollection and your curiosity. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience. All images are subject to a personal copyright unless otherwise noted and cannot be used without permission. If you read to the end of this, congratulations.