Monday, September 10, 2012

Wow. So long.

Well, it has been forever since I've updated. Hello, August? How about we try that again?

I suppose being overwhelmed and exhausted to the point of tears doesn't leave much time for personal blogging, eh? :)

My recovery from the whole mess earlier is going pretty well. I'm back into some decent workouts the last few weeks.

Today was particularly fun. Nothing like a 10x10 squat sequence to get your heart rate up! Plus some deadlifts. Last week, I hit a new PR of sorts... 205x3, so that was pretty sweet.

I was pretty bummed at having to miss the Tough Mudder on Saturday, so when I happened to see this Diva Dash for this evening down at the TNT Obstacle Course south of Fond du Lac, I jumped on the opportunity.

I think I could get used to living in workout gear. ;)

It was a blast, and I have already marked down the next one in my calendar... which is Monday, October 1st, at 5:45pm... Come join us!

In other news, I've been running around like a photographer with her head cut off, literally praying for the strength to get through each day until I make it through October. I am super looking forward to conventions coming up, where I will be nearly shutting down Baseman Studios, my phone, email, and Facebook for almost two entire weeks.

It terrifies me to do that, as I know the aftermath will suck the life out of me.... but by then I will be refreshed, renewed, and ready to tackle life again (rather than hide in the corner and suck my thumb)... right? Please? Heh.

Anyway, August was busy, crazy, and full of lessons, so that deserves its own post in the future. Summer is technically over, which deeply saddens me.

However, the coming of autumn doesn't just mean the coming of winter with snow, slush, muck, heavy layers, and short days. It also means some really good things. Like leather boots, cozy sweaters, feasting holidays, good shows back on TV (plus the time to watch them!!), and finally, the most important... the slow season. Ahh.

Okay, time to go do my dishes and head to bed.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Deirdre Remmers said...

Glad to hear some joy in amongst your hectic life. Looking forward to August posting in the future!!

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician, I do not have any type of medical training, and my workouts and training are only intended for my personal recollection and your curiosity. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience. All images are subject to a personal copyright unless otherwise noted and cannot be used without permission. If you read to the end of this, congratulations.