Monday, July 19, 2010


So. Many thanks to Kyle Hodgeman for commenting on my last post.

I'm officially sold on this... really want to order it soon!

PS. I was told the French Press is a nasty mess of grounds afterwards. That's what I really was leaning towards originally. The "no-mess" part of this seems too good to be true!

Now, the next question is. Should I choose next-day or super-saver shipping? ;)


Aleigh said...

hmmm, looks interesting! I've never had any issues with my french press....has always been super easy to clean.

Jon Myers said...

My wife has a single cup french press which she never uses because she drinks about 3 1/2 cups at a time! So if you're into drinking more than one cup then it might get cumbersome making it twice! Although that is a pretty big cup of coffee he made there in my opinion!

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