Thursday, July 23, 2009


You're all going to hate me.

I didn't listen to your advice and told the Red Radish "no" this morning.

But here's my thought process, wrong or not. They want me for the 3-7:30(pm) shift and like every other Saturday. And the whole point of taking a part time job is so I could do photography on the side. However, guess when photography is done.. evenings and weekends. So if I'm going to work those hours, it better be doing something I'm extremely passionate about. Another issue is *if* Joel is home during the week and obviously on the weekends, I want to spend time with him... not be working the only times he's home!

So anyway. I've been in contact still with Community 1st Credit Union... and the lady I've talked to in HR seems to like me. We've had a couple little phone interviews, and I called her to see if the position was still open. She made "a note" of that, and made another "note" again when I said I would love to come in for a face-to-face interview. Whatever that means. I called her this morning before I called Red Radish just to ask her what my chances actually were, but she didn't answer. So maybe I'll try later today.

Anyway. Joel's coming home tonight (!!) and Bonita and Jennifer are spending tonight through Saturday morning with us. It will be our first worker company in the plexer! :)

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Hi to Bonita and Jennifer from us! Bonita "raised" me!!

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician, I do not have any type of medical training, and my workouts and training are only intended for my personal recollection and your curiosity. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience. All images are subject to a personal copyright unless otherwise noted and cannot be used without permission. If you read to the end of this, congratulations.