Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Well I wish I had good news, buuuut..."

Yeah, well I wish you did too.

Got a final answer from Countryside today... And that's how he started the conversation. So. I understand where they're coming from... even though I just want to digress to throwing things. He gave me a really nice compliment and said that I had all the skills and the talent they could ever hope for, but the timing just isn't right... which is why I'm assuming that they've taken this long to get a final decision back to me. He said they've looked through every possible option, including part-time, and they can't justify hiring me on. Darn economy. Darn profession. Darn myself for wanting a career that I enjoyed. Darn everyone.

Anyway. Back in February and March when I was at the Wisconsin and Iowa state photography conventions, I met this older guy from DePere (right by Green Bay, for those of you unfamiliar) who is a senior sales rep for a photo lab there. He's a super guy, really friendly, and has tons of connections. I gave him a call.. and he remembered me! :) He told me to go ahead and send up a resume and he would scout around for me a bit too.

So there's that. And those brochures I made for myself back in February, when I was going to try to get a job from the conventions in the first place... yeah, those are going out in the mail to some random photography studios. Today.

On a somewhat related subject, I noticed that I haven't posted for a week. Ooops. To be real honest, these last few weeks have been a struggle. Like "one of those days" that turned into 2-3 weeks. Chalk it up to not enough money after paying off the bills, finding out we can only take half the new homebuyer's credit because this is a freaking duplex (so our "home" is only half of it...), no job, a husband on the road, super hot weather, a perfectly timed hormonal cycle, and somewhat failing attempts at losing weight (I've been hovering around the same 2-3 lbs range for a month..). Everything has just been blah lately... but...

"Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office."
~Adrienne E. Gusoff (Thanks, Alaina, that was a good one.)

This week has started off on a better note. Nothing really special happened, except for my moment's-notice-away-from-tears-feeling has gone away. It's been awesome to have Joel here in the evenings, too. I would say mornings also, but lately I can't rouse myself out of bed to do much more than hug and kiss him goodbye. :)

This weekend we're going down to Houston, so I'm excited to see Cheree and Brenton again.. also flying! I'm such a dork, but I love that feeling right when the plane lifts off the ground. And I rarely have such an occasion to fly. Teehee.

If I was a drinking person, cheers to the middle of the week already, and me in a better mood!


Lindsay said...

(virgin) cheers to making it to the middle of the week... having too many of "those" days can really wear a person down. hope things start getting better for you soon! :)

Mariah said...

Thanks. You're sweet. :)

Amber said...

Bummer...thats sucks. Have fun on vacation, sounds like you need one :D Someday, we'll get to the beach....

Erica said...

Hope the days get better. WHCC is hiring adn will be adding more postions soon. (I'm not sure how far into WI you are but I know several of the employees here live in WI) It's a super place to work.

Mariah said...

Thanks, Erica. We actually live on the other side of Wisconsin, though, so I'm afraid that it would be a quite a commute. :)

Erica said...

Ahh.. Well maybe not then. I will keep my ears peeled for photographers that need help. :)

Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician, I do not have any type of medical training, and my workouts and training are only intended for my personal recollection and your curiosity. Anything documented on this blog is my personal opinion or a learned experience. All images are subject to a personal copyright unless otherwise noted and cannot be used without permission. If you read to the end of this, congratulations.